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paperlove.org - the non-profit

Yes, the dot org is for a reason. As it stands, that reason remains hazy. I've got vision, but vision can be too big. One of my old working mission statements may get the point across:

I care about humanity and our home, the earth. I seek to promote positive vibes and responsible action among all members of my human family. I hope to see mankind's potential used for collectively growing, spiritually, mentally, and physically, into a harmonious relationship with the cosmos, including the God from whom we've been given our substance and the grace of our awareness.

Which is to say, "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony..." :)

Then there was an attempt to focus on communication, the field in which I got my degree. Something was still missing as I mused about that though.

I think I'm getting closer though, close enough to see if anyone else has any input... Today's working mission statement is:

paperlove.org exists primarily to educate the public about the reality of communication, guided by the observation that [communication means participating in the inwardness of others - Walter Ong]. In particular, paperlove.org intends to highlight the potential of electronic communication channels and the opportunities they present for re-evaluating the role of media in everyday life.

Still a bit verbose, but it's beginning to click.

So, if you're interested, feel free to react to this page, create new pages in this group, and subscribe to the mailing list by sending a blank email message to paperlove-discuss-subscribe@paperlove.org.

Otherwise, if you read this far, well thanks. Are you sure you're not interested? You just spent a couple of minutes reading this, didn't you?

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paperlove.org - the non-profit

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Don't try to sell me your New Age guru troubles. 'Cause I'm already reeling doing that good time gospel shuffle. And all your thumpings about some Armageddon ain't no big deal, 'cause I already hang with Him.

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