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A gamble of a job three days dial click struggle with a headache & people & my ear would really love to just fall off plop right on the table hi I'm Van Gogh nice to meet you. let it ring let it ring forever every single one of 'em all gone to hell & waiting there until I go home for the night laughing.

Answering androgeny man/lady of the house click, the most common response the theme song of this, my hopeful attempts failures & my reconsidered aspirin failure too stuck in my throat. Savings? Savior! That's me, been told I resemble Jesus & Chuck (what a pair) I'll glue this phone to my ear & walk on home forget the car, more impressive on my feet not on my ass (right now)

Ha got one, see what happens to it with it, it's me on the line obviously to wrestle a quota & my own tendencies...let it ring. No more breaks, no rest, resting writing waiting crossing fingers, to make an end come, any end, just as end. Like I suggested doesn't exist, no end to anything is there?

Did I even suggest that? No, an idea I stole every thought stolen nothing my own except stupid possessions to be lost anyway in the end -- the end, what I was thinking of to begin with...I wish it would come even if the shoes on my feet (beloved shoes) disappeared if I was left penniless & cold (hot) but blessedly over.

Yeah, that's it, I wish I was over.

'Want to save money?' 'No' 'Really?' Me neither to tell you the truth (look at my pockets), who wants to save? Savior? Nah, fool more like it to work & call this work this hateful diversion for money yuck money.

Another bite & I'm sorry to be what I am.

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Don't try to sell me your New Age guru troubles. 'Cause I'm already reeling doing that good time gospel shuffle. And all your thumpings about some Armageddon ain't no big deal, 'cause I already hang with Him.

Here In Reality

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