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Creative work


I've written for years to maintain my sanity and perspective on life. I have also written news and opinion pieces. One of my college newspaper stories won 1st place for Best Objective News Reporting in 1996. I have also allegedly had poetry published in two national anthologies, though I have not seen either volume.


I worked two years in the art department of a publishing company, producing ad designs and writing copy, at times. One series of four-color ads I created for an advertiser won 2nd place in a regional (Georgia/Alabama) advertising contest.

Graphic Design

In addition to doing ad layout and design, I also handled the layout and design of a local Chamber of Commerce magazine in the art department mentioned above. While on my college newspaper staff, I designed news pages and, as Managing Editor during my junior year, the front page.

Web Design/Development and Webmastering

I have experience with HTML(!), Perl, PHP, and MySQL. Learning more daily. If you want a web site but don't know where to begin, I can handle it all, from domain name registration and finding a host, to bringing the site online. I do have to charge what others charge me for those registration and hosting, if that's what you want. If you'd rather not make such an investment, I can provide some free hosting. That will depend on bandwidth.


Other Art

I've also been known to paint in an abstract and impressionistic manner, both with brush and canvas and with Adobe PhotoShop. A few examples are here. Flower pots also look great (painted by me and/or my wife and/or our friends).

Geek work

Networking and Network Administration

I still think networking computers is one of the neatest things since sliced bread. The only network I administer currently is our home Local Area Network, but I think being admin for a spouse might be the best possible training for real system administration. When she wants to print, she wants to print!

That home LAN involves an underpowered Red Hat 7.1 Linux server, a beige PowerMac G3 (with an Apple Personal LaserWriter attached as our default network printer), a PowerMac 7100/66, and an Amiga 3000 (running now with 2 MB of RAM after a RAM upgrade gone awry). I can integrate.

At the day job, I've dealt with Samba, setting a NetBSD 1.5.2 box up as an application server for Windows 2000, ME, and XP clients.

Open Source Advocacy

More here soon.


I'm of the naive opinion that we don't need to charge each other for the help we can provide. I'll do what I can to help you out with no thought of financial gain because I think that's what people should do. The talents and abilities I have aren't things to be sold to the highest bidder (or the bidder with the best benefits package).

Granted, I'm at a point in my career where providing pro bono service is the best way to provide any service at all. With that in mind, if I do help you out and you say "Thanks," I may ask if I can add your thanks to my list of kind words. That's just to show that one need not associate free service with bad service.

In addition, since a day job still pays the bills, my ability to offer services to others may be limited. If I start getting too many requests to handle, I'll set up a 'take a number' facility to limit the number of inquiries.

If on the other hand, you want to donate, or better yet, provide paperlove.org with an endowment!, that would be fine too. Our income only goes on out the door to our creditors, insurers, utility providers, etc. as soon as it arrives anyway. Your help in keeping money-mongers off of our backs would be appreciated. Donations for equipment upgrades (or donations of equipment from which you just upgraded) are also welcome. As possible, I'd like to build Linux machines to give away, to schools, libraries, individuals, whatever.

I'll go into more detail about this crazy 'free service' idea as necessary or as inspired.

Kind Words:
"Again, I can't thank you enough for the wealth of information that you have given me with this project."

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Let it be known there is a fountain that was not made by the hands of men
Grateful Dead
(lyrics by Robert Hunter)

News for Grown-ups

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